Vtg Mid Century

Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro

Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro
Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro

Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro

S T Y L I S H! W A L L A R T G R O O V Y O W L M I D C E N T U R Y. C I R C A 1 9 5 7. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 6 " x 1 2 " The owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

This owl is mod but not modest! The large different color eyes, sparkling orange beak and sparkling feathers make this the epitome of mid century illustration inspired owls! A time warp find and impossible to obtain.

This is, quite likely, the only surviving example. This wall art is in excellent shape!

Perfect for the interior decorator restoring an Eichler or a Case Study home! This piece is appealingly contemporary while also being a total time warp!

Perfect accent for a kitchen, den or even a laundry room! The hearth colors add warmth! This adorable owl would make a stylish addition to your NY penthouse, CA atomic ranch or UK summer home! A F a n t a s t i c A d d i t i o n T o Y o u r F u n I n t e r i o r s!

Wow! Vtg MID Century Modern Owl Wall Art! 1950s Eichler Case Study Decor Retro